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Insulation Blowing Machine

45% of a home’s heat loss comes from inadequate insulation. As consumers become more aware of environmental issues and “going green”, the demand for energy efficiency solutions has grown. You can meet this demand by becoming a specialist in insulation installation!
The RotoStorm II allows you to easily and efficiently apply insulation anywhere and everywhere in the home. It was built to be one of the most portable, flexible and powerful insulation blowing machines on the market.

Why Offer Insulation
Blowing Services?

According to the Department of Energy, over 80 million homes in the U.S. have insufficient levels of attic insulation. The average insulation job typically bills out at $800 to $1500! Adding insulation services to your business will maximize your labor on the job and significant gross margin dollars.

Faster and more

The competitively priced professional, industrial grade RotoStorm II is faster and more efficient which saves time and money. The adjustable product gate allows contractors the flexibility to blow insulation into various applications including walls and tight spaces.

Advanced industrial

The RotoStorm II is compact and powerful, yet durable with it’s all steel construction. It features double agitators to assure smooth and accurate fiber conditioning.

Air lock

The 18″ air lock chamber allows high production with smooth delivery, and the flexibility to use either cellulose, fiberglass or other types of wool insulation.

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