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Rotobrush Online Video Training

Air Duct Cleaning Training | Dryer Vent Cleaning Training | Sales, Marketing, and Pricing Training

You've taken the step to expand your service offerings, now learn to use your new equipment like a pro!

Sales, Marketing, & Pricing Training

Rotobrush Training
Sales Video Training

Ready to be a selling pro? In this video you will learn about different techniques to help sell the air duct cleaning service. These are also great tools to transfer to other aspects of your business.

Marketing Strategy Business concept. The meeting at the white office table
Marketing Video Training

The world of marketing and advertising is always changing. In this video you will learn about great ways to help you introduce these new services to your existing and new customer base.

Compass with needle pointing the word opportunity, concept image to illustrate business opportunities and strategy.
Pricing Video Training

In this video you will learn different methods of pricing to help determine what method works best for you and your business.

Rotobrush Brush & Vacuum Equipment Training

BrushBeast DR Equipment Training
BrushBeast Equipment Training

Rotobrush Negative Air Equipment Training

BlowBeast Negative Air Machine Training
BlowBeast Informational Video
R5000 Negative Air Machine Training

Energy Efficiency Equipment Training

RotoVent-Vac Dryer Vent Cleaning Equipment Training
Rotostorm II Insulation Equipment Training

Technical Support Videos

Engaging Drive Cable + Hose Wrapping – Brushbeast DR
Learn to properly engage the drive cable for the BrushBeast DR machine.
Disengaging Drive Cable – Brushbeast DR
Learn to properly disengage the drive cable for the BrushBeast DR machine.
Remove HEPA Filter
Learn to remove the HEPA filter from your BrushBeast or BrushBeast DR machine.
Hose Wrapping – Brushbeast
Learn to properly wrap the hose for the BrushBeast machine.
Setting Torque
This video will go through setting and adjusting the torque for the BrushBeast, aiR+ XP, and aiR+ machines.
Engaging Drive Cable
Learn to properly engage the drive cable for the BrushBeast, aiR+ XP, and aiR+ machines.
Disengaging Drive Cable
Learn to properly disengage the drive cable for the BrushBeast, aiR+ XP, and aiR+ machines.
Remove Hepa Filter
Learn to remove the HEPA filter for the aiR+ XP and aiR+ machines.
Hose Wrapping – aiR+ Models

Learn to properly wrap the hose for the aiR+ XP and aiR+ machines.

Camera System Training
Learn to properly use your RotoVision or i2Cam inspection camera
Setting Camera Cord
Learn to properly wrap your camera cord for the RotoVision or i2Cam inspection camera.
BrushBeast Accessory Tools
Become more familiar with the commonly used tools and maintenance for the BrushBeast machine.
RotoVision Camera Features
Learn all of the features the RotoVision camera offers.

Rotobrush Zoom Training

Need more assistance on the use and maintenance of your Rotobrush equipment? No worries, we are here to help. 

The 1 hour training will review your equipment, the basic maintenance, and use. The zoom equipment training requires you to have Zoom installed on your desktop or mobile device, your Rotobrush equipment, and employees present. To schedule, simply click the button below.

Please note: You will need to have your Rotobrush equipment present for this training. The zoom training is only available to companies who have purchase equipment.

BrushBeast DR

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